On Tuesday, Anushka Sharma shared a post pack up video on her Instagram handle. She shared the video with the caption, “Did anyone say pack up?”
In the video, Anushka was peeping out of a curtain with a goofy smile. Arjun Kapoor made a hilarious comment saying, “Hope you don’t smile like this with Vamika around.” Ranveer Singh also found the video funny.
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On the work front, Anushka was last seen in the Aanand L Rai directorial Zero, where she shared screen space with Shah Rukh Khan. She is yet to announce her upcoming film as a lead actor. Since then, Anushka has produced projects like Paatal Lok and Bulbbul under her production banner Clean Slate Filmz.
Her banner’s upcoming projects include Qala, which marks the debut of late Irrfan Khan’s son Babil Khan, and Mai, starring Sakshi Tanwar. Both these projects will premiere on Netflix.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan celebrates 3 years of Sui Dhaaga
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